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Convenient Facilities

Total : 8
[Daehan Center] Wheelchair access
  • 1. Operating hours : 08:30 to 17:00
    2. Rental place: Daehan Center B2 Wheelchair access
    3. How to borrow: Please provide identification, contact information to the operating staff, wheelchair.
Business Lounge
  • 1. Operating hours : 24hours
    2. Business: Use copy, FAX, PC
    3. Location: Daehan Center B1
handmade planet
  • 1. Operating hours
    Weekdays: 10:00 ~ 20:00 / Weekends: 10:00 ~ 20:00
    2. Handling Items
    Handmade items (necklaces, earrings, hats, socks)
    3. Price: 1,000 won ~ 50,000 won
    4. Location: Daehan Center B1
Hair, On
  • 1. Operating hours
    Weekdays, Weekends: 10:00 ~ 21:00
    2. Handling Items: Cut, Dye, Firm, Wig
    3. Price
    - Curt: 17,000 won (male) 18,000 won (female)
    - Dyeing: 70,000 won (male) 80,000 won (female)
    4. Location: Daehan Center B1
Yummin medical device
  • 1. Operating hours
    - Weekdays: 8:30 am to 6:30 pm
    - Saturday: 8:30 am to 2:00 pm
    (Closed on Sundays and public holidays)

    2. Handling Items: medical consumables, medical devices

    3. Location: Main Building B1
Rental: Wheelchairs, strollers, carts
  • - Rental place: Main building 1F Wheelchair access
    - How to borrow: Please provide identification, contact information to the operating staff, wheelchair and cart.
    - How to return: You can return it from the rental location.
    - Hours: 24 hours on the day
    - Stroller rentals are available at the information desk of Children's hospital located at 2nd floor of the Children Hospital.
Jejungwon Library
  • 1. Hours: Weekdays: Mon-Fri 09: 00 ~ 17: 00

    2. Operation hour
       Weekdays: Mon - Fri 07:00 - 21:00
       Saturdays, Sundays and closed days 07: 00-17: 00

    3. Book borrowing
    [Inpatients and staff members] 2 books per person, 1 week
    [Outpatient and Emergency Room Patients] Book Reading Only, No Books
    [At discharge] Return regardless of the due date, not to borrow books outside the hospital

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