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Phi, Ji Hoon

Pediatric Neurosurgery


Brain tumor , Epilepsy surgery , Hydrocephalus , Moyamoya disease , Craniosysnostosis , Arachnoid cyst , Scalp mass , Trauma



Dr. Ji Hoon Phi graduated from Seoul National University College of Medicine in 2000. Thereafter, he was trained as a neurosurgeon in Seoul National University Hospital. Then, he had a fellowship training at the Seoul National University Children’s Hospital (SNUCH) to become a pediatric neurosurgeon. In 2010, he joined the faculty of the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery of SNUCH and has continued his career in clinics and research. As a full-time dedicated pediatric neurosurgeon, his main clinical interest is brain tumor, epilepsy surgery, and moyamoya disease. Genomic analysis and finding new therapeutic targets of malignant pediatric brain tumors such as medulloblastoma, AT/RT, and ependymoma are the main subject of his research. Currently, his lab is focusing on the mechanism of leptomeningeal seeding of malignant brain tumors which is the most common cause of death of the patients. Low-grade brain tumor associated with drug-resistant epilepsy is the other main topic of research incorporating brain tumor and epilepsy together. Radio-genomic correlation of low-grade brain tumors is an interesting topic of his research. Finally, moyamoya disease occupies a substantial portion of his clinical and research concerns. Especially, Dr. Phi is highly interested in various diseases associated with moyamoya phenotype, so-called moyamoya syndrome. Combined with genetic studies, this field can open a new

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