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Jung, Hyun Chae

Education / Career

Education / Career
Article Distribution of antibiotic MICs for Helicobacter pylori strains over a 16-year period in patients from Seoul, South Korea
Announcements Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Date of publication 2004.12
Co-researcher Kim JM, Kim JS, Jung HC, Kim N, Kim YJ, Song IS
Education / Career
Article Helicobacter pylori down-regulates the receptors of vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin in vascular endothelial cells; Implications in the impairment of gastric ulcer healing
Announcements Digestive Diseases and Sciences Date of publication 2001.5
Co-researcher Kim JS, Kim JM, Jung HC, Song IS
Education / Career
Article A distinct array of proinflammatory cytokines is expressed in human colon epithelial cells in response to bacterial invasion
Announcements J.Clin.Invest Date of publication 1995
Co-researcher Jung HC, Eckmann L, Yang SK, Panja A, Fierer F, Morzycka-Wroblewska E, Mar

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