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Orthopedic Surgery


Hip , Soft tissue disease around the hip , Avascular necrosis of the femoral head , Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome , Pelvic/hip fracture , ankylosing spondylitis , Osteoporosis , Sarcopenia


Education / Career

Education / Career
Term Education
2020.03. ~ 2022.08. Seoul National University, Ph.D
2011.03. ~ 2015.02. Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Master in medicine
2007.09. ~ 2010.12. Johns Hopkins University, Whiting school of Engineering, Bachelor of Science
Education / Career
Term Career
2021. 9. ~ 2022. 2. 영문입력
2021. 3. ~ 2021. 8. 영문입력
2020. 3. ~ 2021. 2. 영문입력
2016. 3. ~ 2020. 2. 영문입력
2015. 3. ~ 2016. 2. 영문입력
Education / Membership and Academic Activities
Term Membership and Academic Activities
2021. ~ Present Member of Association Research Circulation Osseous

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