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Korean doctor to share warmhearted care as well as medical services

Hit : 2,268 Date : 2017-02-14

Korean doctor to share warmhearted care as well as medical services
Professor Hyoung Jin Kang at SNUH visited the UAE for patient follow-up. 

A patient and her families as well as staff of the UAE's hospital staff were all impressed at one Korean doctor who flew to the other side of the planet to see the progress of the patient he had treated.

Professor Hyoung Jin Kang of the department of pediatrics & adolescent medicine at SNUH visited the UAE Sheikh Khalifa Speciality Hospital (SKSH) consigned to SNUH and accompanied local medical professionals for treatment.

There was a special reason for him to visit SKSH. He wanted to meet a girl named Mariam (6) who had received chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia which in SNUH until earlier this year from 2015.

Mariam was diagnosed with high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia with 84,300 white blood cells/uL in 2015 and hospitalized in SNUH in September of the same year. She received intensive chemotherapy for a year and a half, which was successful; and maintenance therapy began and she returned to the UAE.

Medical staff and a patient's family became friends as they shared joys and sorrows with each other while struggling against the illness together. Especially the mother was very concerned and distressed, yet took consolation and encouragement from medical staff. The patient does not have any significant complication now.  

Mariam's mother said when her daughter was discharged, "I'm so grateful from the bottom of my heart for doctors and staff who've cared for us like family. I don't feel like saying goodbye."

The patient and her family were happy for regaining her health, and so did Professor Kang.

While on a business trip to SKSH, Professor Kang visited Mriam's family and offered a special treatment of her. She was healthy thankfully, and her family greatly appreciated his visit and care.

Professor Kang said, "It was a busy schedule, but I feel really great to see her healthy and look bright." "I'm so pleased to have an opportunity to share Korean's warmhearted care as well as medical services. I hope more pediatric cancer patients from the Middle East can get treatment and regain health through this collaborative program between SNUH and SKSH." 

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