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Laparoscopic surgery is safe even for advanced rectal cancer patients

Hit : 3,607 Date : 2014-07-24
Laparoscopic surgery is safe even for advanced rectal cancer patients

 The study results that laparoscopic surgery is oncologically safe for rectal cancer patients have been presented. These are the first outcome of research worldwide that compares the long-term survival rates of laparoscopic surgery and open surgery, with rectal cancer patients as the subjects.

 Conducted by a joint research team headed by Professor Seung-Yong Jeong in the Department of Surgery at the SNU College of Medicine and Professor Jae Hwan Oh at the National Cancer Center (NCC), the results of “Open versus laparoscopic surgery for mid-rectal or low-rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (COREAN trial): survival outcomes of an open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial” were published in Lancet Oncology online on May 15.

 From April 2006 to August 2009, the research team randomly assigned 340 stage II or III rectal cancer patients who had received chemoradiotherapy before surgery at SNU Hospital (SNUH), NCC, and SNU Bundang Hospital to a laparoscopic surgery group (170 patients) and an open surgery group (170 patients) and comparatively analyzed the two groups’ disease-free survival rates, overall survival rates, and local recurrence rates for 3 years.

 As a result, laparoscopic surgery and open surgery have been confirmed to exhibit identical survival rates. In 2010, the research team reported that, with the same patients, laparoscopic surgery boasted faster recovery after surgery, less pain, and outstanding short-term quality of life (QoL) in comparison with open surgery.

 Though there have been many studies concluding that laparoscopic surgery is safe for colon cancer, none hitherto has analyzed the long-term survival of rectal cancer patients following laparoscopic surgery through randomized prospective clinical trial. This study is very significant in that it has determined the oncological safety of laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer for the first time worldwide.

 Professor Jeong said, “By proving there’s no difference between laparoscopic rectal surgery and open surgery in long-term survival rates, we’ve obtained important grounds for laparoscopic rectal surgery to be established as the standard operation. In addition, the rectal cancer treatment outcome and surgical outcome shown in this study are superior to those presented in any countries up to now and serve as an occasion for confirming and announcing worldwide the excellence of the South Korean medical level.”

 Stating, “Despite the advantages of laparoscopic rectal surgery such as faster recovery after surgery, there has been no report on long-term outcome related to survival so that we couldn’t present firm grounds with respect to debates on laparoscopic rectal surgery,” Professor Oh from the NCC said, “I feel rewarded that South Korean colorectal surgeons have obtained important grounds for laparoscopic rectal surgery to be established as the standard operation.”

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