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제4회, 서울유방암심포지움 안내

조회수 : 2939 작성일 : 2010-08-09

제4회, 2010 서울유방암심포지움 안내 

노동영 교수님After its opening in 2004, the Breast Care Center of Seoul National University Hospital has established a sustained improvement in multidisciplinary management of Korean breast cancer patients. Now, we’re translating our experience on the multidisciplinary approaches for cancer patients into the Seoul National University Cancer Center Hospital, which will open a new era for cancer treatment in Korea. Along with its accumulating experience in managing breast cancer patients, the Center has also been a core component of various domestic and international translational research projects on breast cancer and a key clinical trial center for Korean breast cancer patients.
To achieve its fundamental goals of providing state-of-art breast cancer management and developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, the Center has been holding Seoul Breast Cancer Symposium, which is a biannual international conference since 2004. The past three symposiums have covered various aspects of breast cancer treatment as well as the cutting-edge issues of basic and translational research.
For the 4th Seoul Breast Cancer Symposium, we have again invited outstanding speakers from leading institutions in the field of breast cancer research and treatment throughout the world. Recent advances in the understanding of breast cancer biology will be integrated into the theme of “Stem cell, Biomarkers, and Molecular Management of Breast Cancer”. In-depth discussion on the controversies on breast cancer stem cell hypothesis, biomarker discovery, and recent development of novel staging techniques will be held at the Symposium by the distinguished speakers in the fields. We believe this year’s Symposium will be another great opportunity in sharing valuable opinions for future researches and translational studies.
On behalf of the program committee, I am happy to invite you to join the 4rd Seoul Breast Cancer Symposium and hope you have an enjoyable and inspiring symposium in Seoul.


July, 2010.
Dong-Young Noh, M.D., Ph. D.
Chief of Breast Care Center, Seoul National University Hospital,
Director of Seoul National University Cancer Center Hospital.

Opening Remarks Jeoung-Won Bae Korea University, President of Korean Breast Cancer Society
Breast Cancer Stem Cell Chairman:In-Ae Park Seoul National University
Role of IL-8 in Breast Cancer Stem Cell Eunyoung Ko
Korea Cancer Center
Identification and Targeting of Cancer Stem Cells in
a Mouse Model of Breast Cancer
Jeong-Seok Nam
Gachon Univ of Medicine and Science
Cellular and Genetic Heterogeneity of Breast cancer So Yeon Park
Seoul National University
10:25-10:40 Coffee Break
Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets Chairman: Tae-You Kim Seoul National University
Molecular Profiles to Predict Chemotherapy Responsiveness Lajos Pusztai
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Molecular Changes and Targeted Therapy in Inflammatory Breast Cancer Naoto T. Ueno
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Novel Approaches in Biomarker Discovery Pann-Ghill Suh
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Luncheon Symposium Chairman: Eun Sook Lee Korea University
Overcoming Herceptin Resistance Seock-Ah Im
Seoul National University
Personalizing Adjuvant Therapy Decision Making in Early Stage Breast Cancer: Clinical Evidence for Oncotype DX in ER+ Patients Calvin Chao
Genomic Health
Breast Cancer Genetics Chairman: Daehee Kang Seoul National University
Pharmacogenetics of Tamoxifen Efficacy Zembutsu University of Tokyo
Common Genetic Variants and Breast Cancer Risk Wonshik Han Seoul National University
14:20-14:35 Coffee Break
Molecular Staging and Imaging Chairman: Suk Jin Nam Sungkyunkwan University
One Step Nucleic Acid Amplificafion for Sentinel Node Evaluation Seigo Nakamura
St Luke's International Hospital
Functional Imaging in Breast Cancer Keon Wook Kang
Seoul National University
MRI for Breast Cancer Research: from Cells to Humans Woo Kyung Moon
Seoul National University
Closing Remark Dong-Young Noh
Seoul National Univ, Chief of SNUH Breast Care Center
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