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Shin, Hyun Woo



Rhinology , Sleep Medicine , Sleep breathing disorder (snoring/obstructive sleep apnea, etc.)


Education / Career

Education / Career
Article DEP-induced ZEB2 promotes nasal polyp formation via epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Announcements J Allergy Clin Immunol. Date of publication 2022-01
Co-researcher Lee M, Lim S, Kim YS, Khalmuratova R, Shin SH, Kim I, Kim HJ, Kim DY, Rhee CS, Park JW, Shin HW*
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Bone morphogenetic protein-2 as a novel biomarker for refractory chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps
Announcements J Allergy Clin Immunol Date of publication 2021-03
Co-researcher Kim JY, Lim S, Lim HS, Kim YS, Eun KM, Khalmuratova R, Seo Y, Kim JK, Kim YS, Kim MK, Jin S, Han SC, Pyo S, Hong SN, Park JW, Shin HW*, Kim DW*
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Urine 5-Eicosatetraenoic Acids as Diagnostic Markers for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Announcements Antioxidants (Basel). Date of publication 2021-08
Co-researcher Shin HW, Cho K, Rhee CS, Hong IH, Cho SH, Kim SW, Kim J, So D, Cho JY, Park JW.
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article PGC1α Loss Promotes Lung Cancer Metastasis through Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition
Announcements Cancers (Basel). Date of publication 2021-04
Co-researcher Oh TI, Lee M, Lee YM, Kim GH, Lee D, You JS, Kim SH, Choi M, Jang H, Park YM, Shin HW*, Shin DH*, Lim JH*
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Airway Epithelial Cells
Announcements Immune Netw. Date of publication 2021-03
Co-researcher Ryu G, Shin HW.
Pubmed URL /
Education / Career
Article Antibiotic-Dependent Relationships Between the Nasal Microbiome and Secreted Proteome in Nasal Polyps
Announcements Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. Date of publication 2021-07
Co-researcher Kim YS, Han D, Mo JH, Kim YM, Kim DW, Choi HG, Park JW, Shin HW.
Pubmed URL /
Education / Career
Article Sleep Tests in the Non-Contact Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Home Sleep Tests Versus In-Laboratory Polysomnography
Announcements Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol . Date of publication 2020-11
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Effects of Wnt signaling on epithelial to mesenchymal transition in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyp
Announcements Thorax Date of publication 2020-10
Co-researcher Jun-Sang Bae, Gwanghui Ryu, Ji Hye Kim, Eun Hee Kim, Yun Hee Rhee, Young-Jun Chung, Dae Woo Kim, Suha Lim, Phil-Sang Chung, Hyun-Woo Shin*, Ji-Hun Mo*
Education / Career
Article α-Helical cell-penetrating peptide-mediated nasal delivery of resveratrol for inhibition of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Announcements Journal of Controlled Release Date of publication 2020-01
Co-researcher Yumin Kim, Soyoung Hwang, Roza Khalmuratova, Sunah Kang, Mingyu Lee, Youngjun Song, Jong-Wan Park, Jaehoon Yu, Hyun-Woo Shin*, Yan Lee*
Education / Career
Article In-Depth, Proteomic Analysis of Nasal Secretions from Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps.
Announcements Allergy Asthma Immunol Res Date of publication 2019-09
Co-researcher Kim YS, Han D, Kim J, Kim DW, Kim YM, Mo JH, Choi HG, Park JW, Shin HW
Pubmed URL 31332980 /
Education / Career
Article Interleukin (IL)-13 and IL-17A contribute to neo-osteogenesis in chronic rhinosinusitis by inducing RUNX2.
Announcements EBioMedicine Date of publication 2019-08
Co-researcher Khalmuratova R, Shin HW*, Kim DW*, Park JW
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Human 3D cellular model of hypoxic brain injury of prematurity.
Announcements Nature Medicine Date of publication 2019-05
Co-researcher Pașca AM, Park JY, Shin HW, Qi Q, Revah O, Krasnoff R, O'Hara R, Willsey AJ, Palmer TD, Pașca SP.
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Intermittent hypoxia promotes carcinogenesis in azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate-induced colon cancer model.
Announcements Mol Carcinog Date of publication 2019-05
Co-researcher Yoon DW, Kim YS, Hwang S, Khalmuratova R, Lee M, Kim JH, Lee GY, Koh SJ, Park JW, Shin HW.
Pubmed URL /
Education / Career
Article The IFN-γ-p38, ERK kinase axis exacerbates neutrophilic chronic rhinosinusitis by inducing the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
Announcements Mucosal Immunol. Date of publication 2019-05
Co-researcher Lee M, Kim DW, Khalmuratova R, Shin SH, Kim YM, Han DH, Kim HJ, Kim DY, Rhee CS, Park JW, Shin HW.
Pubmed URL /
Education / Career
Article Aberrant expression of CITED2 promotes prostate cancer metastasis by activating the nucleolin-AKT pathway.
Announcements Nat Commun. Date of publication 2018-10
Co-researcher Shin SH, Lee GY, Lee M, Kang J, Shin HW, Chun YS, Park JW.
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article SIRT1 attenuates nasal polypogenesis by suppressing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Announcements J Allergy Clin Immunol. (IF=11.248) Date of publication 2015.09
Co-researcher Lee M, Kim DW, Yoon H, So D, Khalmuratova R, Rhee CS, Park JW, Shin HW
Education / Career
Article Interleukin-25 as a novel therapeutic target in nasal polyps of chronic rhinosinusitis
Announcements J Allergy Clin Immunol. (IF=11.248) Date of publication 2015.06
Co-researcher Shin HW, Kim DK, Park MH, Eun KM, Lee M, So D, Kong IG, Mo JH, Yang MS, Jin HR, Park JW, Kim DW
Education / Career
Article Antihyperglycemic mechanism of metformin occurs via the AMPK/LXRα/POMC pathway
Announcements Scientific Reports Date of publication 2015.01.30
Co-researcher Cho K, Chung JY, Cho SK, Shin HW, Jang IJ, Park JW, Yu KS, Cho JY
Education / Career
Article Induction of nasal polyps using house dust mite and Staphylococcal enterotoxin B in C57BL/6 mice
Announcements Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). Date of publication 2015
Co-researcher Khalmuratova R, Lee M, Kim DW, Park JW, Shin HW
Education / Career
Article MBP-positive and CD11c-positive cells are associated with different phenotypes of Korean patients with non-asthmatic chronic rhinosinusitis
Announcements Plos One Date of publication 2014.10.31
Co-researcher Kim DK, Park MH, Chang DY, Eun KM, Shin HW, Mo JH, Shin EC, Jin HR, Shin S, Roh EY, Han DH, Kim DW
Education / Career
Article Arrest defective-1 regulates the oxidative stress response in human cells and mice by acetylating methionine sulfoxide reductase A
Announcements Cell Death & Disease Date of publication 2014.10.23
Co-researcher Shin SH, Yoon H, Chun YS, Shin HW, Lee MN, Oh G, Park JW
Education / Career
Article ITF2 Prevents Activation of the βcatenin–TCF4 Complex in Colon Cancer Cells and Levels Decrease with Tumor Progression
Announcements Gastroenterology (IF=13.926) Date of publication 2014.08
Co-researcher Shin HW, Choi H, So D, Cho K, Chung HJ, Lee KH, Chun YS, Cho CH, Kang GH, Kim WH, Park JW
Education / Career
Article PHF2 histone demethylase acts as a tumor suppressor in association with p53 in cancer
Announcements Oncogene (IF=8.559) Date of publication 2014.07
Co-researcher Lee KH, Park JW, Sung HS, Choi YJ, Kim WH, Lee HS, Chung HJ, Shin HW, Cho CH, Kim TY, Li SH, Youn HD, Kim SJ, Chun YS
Education / Career
Article Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B contributes to induction of nasal polypoid lesions in an allergic rhinosinusitis murine model
Announcements Am J Rhinol Allergy (IF=2.3) Date of publication 2014
Co-researcher Kim DW, Khalmuratova R, Hur DG, Jeon SY, Kim SW, Shin HW, Lee CH, Rhee CS
Education / Career
Article Pathogenic role of HIF-1a in prostate hyperplasia in the presence of chronic inflammation
Announcements Biochim Biophys Acta (IF=4.9) Date of publication 2014
Co-researcher Kim HJ, Park JW, Cho YS, Cho CH, Kim JS, Shin HW, Chung DH, Kim SJ, Chun YS
Education / Career
Article Effects of Surgical vs. Nonsurgical Therapy on Erectile Dysfunction and Quality of Life in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Pilot Study
Announcements J Sex Med (IF=3.5) Date of publication 2013.08
Co-researcher Shin HW, Park JH, Park JW, Rhee CS, Lee CH, Min YG, Kim DY
Education / Career
Article Mad1 mediates hypoxia-induced doxorubicin resistance in colon cancer cells by inhibiting mitochondrial function
Announcements Free Radic Biol Med (IF=5.710) Date of publication 2013.07
Co-researcher Cho K*, Shin HW*, Kim YI, Cho CH, Chun YS, Kim TY, Park JW
Education / Career
Article Resveratrol prevents development of eosinophilic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps in a mouse model
Announcements Allergy (IF=5.995) Date of publication 2013.07
Co-researcher Kim SW, Kim DW, Khalmuratova R, Kim JH, Jung MH, Chang DY, Shin EC, Lee HK, Shin HW, Rhee CS, Jeon SY, Min YG
Education / Career
Article Hypoxia-inducible Factor 1 Mediates Nasal Polypogenesis by Inducing Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
Announcements Am J Respir Crit Care Med (IF=11.1) Date of publication 2012.05
Co-researcher Shin HW, Cho K, Kim DW, Han DH, Khalmuratova R, Kim SW, Jeon SY, Min YG, Lee CH, Rhee CS, Park JW
Education / Career
Article Measurement of Cross-sectional Dimensions of the Cricoid Cartilage: A Computed Tomographic study
Announcements Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Date of publication 2009.04
Co-researcher Shin HW, Ahn Y, Sung MW, Kim KH, Kwon TK
Education / Career
Article The implication of sleep position in the evaluation of surgical outcomes in obstructive sleep apnea
Announcements Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Date of publication 2009.04
Co-researcher Lee CH*, Shin HW*, Han DH, Mo JH, Yoon IY, Chung S, Choi HG, Kim JW
Education / Career
Article Erectile dysfunction and disease-specific quality of life in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
Announcements Int J Impot Res Date of publication 2008
Co-researcher Shin HW, Rha YC, Han DH, Chung S, Yoon IY, Rhee CS, Lee CH, Min YG, Kim DY

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