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Status and Statistics

Number of Employees (2023.12.31)

Number of Employees(Classification, Number)
Classification Number
Doctors 1,966
Nurses 3,088
Phamacists 149
Medical Technologists 964
Others 2,937
Total 9,104

Inpatient beds (2023.12.31)

Inpatient beds(Classification, Main, Children, Cancer, Total)
Classification Main Children Cancer Total
General beds 1,258 244 86 1,588
Special care beds 23 6 - 29
I.C.U 106 24 - 130
N.I.C.U - 40 - 40
Total 1,387 314 86 1,787

Surgery and Examination Cases (2023.12.31)

Surgery and Examination Cases(Classification, Main, Children, Cancer, Total)
Classification Main Children Cancer Total
Surgery 30,430 9,940 - 40,370
Radiology 1,244,348 311,536 405,443 1,961,327
Radiation Therapy 96,807 - 96,807

Result of Supporting Services (2023.12.31)

Result of Supporting Services(Classification, Main, Children, Cancer, Total)
Classification Main Children Cancer Total
Outpatients 1,541,147 329,155 568,343 2,438,645
Inpatients 437,736 99,353 26,132 563,221

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