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Ro, Young Sun

Emergency Medicine


Emergency Medical Services System , Emergency Disease Epidemiology , Mobile Intensive Care Unit


Education / Career

Education / Career
Article Trends of the incidence and clinical outcomes of suicide-related out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Korea: A 10-year nationwide observational study
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication E-pub
Co-researcher 이선영, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Interaction Effects between COVID-19 Outbreak and Community Income Levels on Excess Mortality among Patients Visiting Emergency Departments
Announcements J Korean Med Sci Date of publication 2021 Apr
Co-researcher 정유진, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Association of Health Insurance with Post-Resuscitation Care and Neurological Outcomes after Return of Spontaneous Circulation in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients in Korea.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2019 Feb
Co-researcher 김태한, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Association between County-level Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training and Changes in Survival Outcomes after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest over 5 years: A Multilevel Analysis.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2019 Jun
Co-researcher 노영선, 송경준 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Association of dispatcher-assisted bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation with survival outcomes after pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by community property value.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2018 Nov
Co-researcher 장익완, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Association between the centralization of dispatch centers and dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation programs: A natural experimental study.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2018 Oct
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Recognition of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during emergency calls and public awareness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in communities: A multilevel analysis.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2018 Jul
Co-researcher 이선영, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Preventive effects of car safety seat use on clinical outcomes in infants and young children with road traffic injuries: A 7-year observational study.
Announcements Injury Date of publication 2018 Jun
Co-researcher 박관진, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Dispatcher-assisted bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation in rural and urban areas and survival outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2018 Apr
Co-researcher 고서영, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Effect of a first responder on survival outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest occurs during a period of exercise in a public place.
Announcements PLoS One Date of publication 2018 Feb
Co-researcher 박정호, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Preventive effects of motorcycle helmets on intracranial injury and mortality from severe road traffic injuries.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2018 Feb
Co-researcher 김솔아, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Assessment of Competence in Emergency Medicine among Healthcare Professionals in Cameroon.
Announcements J Korean Med Sci Date of publication 2017 Dec
Co-researcher 김상철, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Association of Exercise and Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) Score with Survival Outcomes after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest of Young and Middle Age.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2017 Jun
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Association of time from arrest to percutaneous coronary intervention with survival outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2017 Jun
Co-researcher 정주, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Evaluation of demands, usage and unmet needs for emergency care in Yaound�, Cameroon: a cross-sectional study.
Announcements BMJ Open Date of publication 2017 Feb
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Effect of Dispatcher-Assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Program and Location of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest on Survival and Neurologic Outcome.
Announcements Ann Emerg Med Date of publication 2017 Jan
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Effects of Dispatcher-assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on Survival Outcomes in Infants, Children, and Adolescents with Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrests.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2016 Nov
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Preventive Effects of Safety Helmets on Traumatic Brain Injury after Work-Related Falls.
Announcements Int J Environ Res Public Health Date of publication 2016 Oct
Co-researcher 김상철, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation training experience and self-efficacy of age and gender group: a nationwide community survey.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2016 Aug
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Public awareness and self-efficacy of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in communities and outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A multi-level analysis.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2016 May
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Risk of Diabetes Mellitus on Incidence of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests: A Case-Control Study.
Announcements PLoS One Date of publication 2016 Apr
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Age effects on case fatality rates of injury patients by mechanism.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2016 Mar
Co-researcher 박용주, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Interaction effects between highly-educated neighborhoods and dispatcher-provided instructions on provision of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2016 Feb
Co-researcher 이선영, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Preventive Effects of Seat Belt on Clinical Outcomes for Road Traffic Injuries
Announcements J Korean Med Sci Date of publication 2015 Dec
Co-researcher 곽봉헌, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Association of emergent and elective percutaneous coronary intervention with neurological outcome and survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in patients with and without a history of heart disease.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2015 Dec
Co-researcher 김민정, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Presumed Regional Incidence Rate of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Korea.
Announcements J Korean Med Sci Date of publication 2015 Oct
Co-researcher 노영선, 황승식 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Triage-based resource allocation and clinical treatment protocol on outcome and length of stay in the emergency department.
Announcements Emerg Med Australas Date of publication 2015 Aug
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Temporal trends in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival outcomes between two metropolitan communities: Seoul-Osaka resuscitation study.
Announcements BMJ Open Date of publication 2015 Jun
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Interaction effects between hypothermia and diabetes mellitus on survival outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2015 May
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article A trend in epidemiology and outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by urbanization level: a nationwide observational study from 2006 to 2010 in South Korea
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2013 May
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article A comparison of outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with non-cardiac etiology between emergency departments with low- and high-resuscitation case volume
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2012 Jul
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Comparison of clinical performance of cranial computed tomography rules in patients with minor head injury: a multicenter prospective study
Announcements Acad Emerg Med Date of publication 2011 Jun
Co-researcher 노영선, 신상도 외 (제1저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Impact of temporary closures of emergency departments during the COVID-19 outbreak on clinical outcomes for emergency patients in a metropolitan area
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2021 Sep
Co-researcher 이동언, 노영선 외 (교신저자)
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Prediction of cerebral perfusion pressure during CPR using electroencephalogram in a swine model of ventricular fibrillation
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2021 Jul
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Interaction Effect Between Prehospital Mechanical Chest Compression Device Use and Post-Cardiac Arrest Care on Clinical Outcomes After Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Announcements J Emerg Med Date of publication E-pub
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Temporal trends in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes in men and women from 2008 to 2015: A national observational study.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2021 Mar
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Time to first defibrillation and survival outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with refractory ventricular fibrillation.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2021 Feb
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Association between chronic liver disease and clinical outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2021 Jan
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article End stage renal disease modifies the effect of targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2020 Nov
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Emergency department routine data and the diagnosis of acute ischemic heart disease in patients with atypical chest pain.
Announcements PLoS One Date of publication 2020 Nov
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article The Effectiveness of a New Dispatcher-Assisted Basic Life Support Training Program on Quality in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Performance During Training and Willingness to Perform Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Study.
Announcements Simul Healthc Date of publication 2020 Oct
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effect of previous emergency psychiatric consultation on suicide re-attempts - A multi-center observational study.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2020 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Interaction Effects Between Targeted Temperature Management and Hypertension on Survival Outcomes After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A National Observational Study from 2009 to 2016.
Announcements Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag Date of publication 2020 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Association Between Post-Resuscitation Coronary Angiography With and Without Intervention and Neurological Outcomes After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.
Announcements Prehosp Emerg Care Date of publication 2020 Jul
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Relationship between serum potassium level and survival outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using CAPTURES database of Korea: Does hypokalemia have good neurological outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest?
Announcements Adv Clin Exp Med Date of publication 2020 Jun
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Place-provider-matrix of Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Outcomes of Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Nationwide Observational Cross-Sectional Analysis
Announcements PLoS One Date of publication 2020 May
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Mechanical Chest Compression Device for Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Nationwide Observational Study.
Announcements J Emerg Med Date of publication 2020 May
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effect of Specialized Critical Care Transport Unit on Short-Term Mortality of Critically Ill Patients Undergoing Interhospital Transport.
Announcements Prehosp Emerg Care Date of publication 2020 Jan
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Time from arrest to extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation and survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Announcements Emerg Med Australas Date of publication 2019 Dec
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Factors Associated with the Transfer Decision in Resuscitated Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Presenting to a Hospital with Limited Targeted Temperature Management Capability in Korea.
Announcements Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag Date of publication 2019 Dec
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Epidemiology and Outcomes of Sports-Related Traumatic Brain Injury in Children.
Announcements J Korean Med Sci Date of publication 2019 Nov
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Epidemiological profile and outcomes of snakebite injuries treated in emergency departments in South Korea, 2011-2016: a descriptive study.
Announcements Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg Date of publication 2019 Oct
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Prediction of good neurological recovery after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A machine learning analysis.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2019 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Location of arrest and effect of prehospital advanced airway management after emergency medical service-witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: nationwide observational study.
Announcements Emerg Med J Date of publication 2019 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effect of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) on incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests: A case-control study.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2019 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article The effect of automatic external defibrillator with a real-time feedback on quality of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A before-and-after simulation study.
Announcements Health Soc Care Community Date of publication 2019 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effect of hypoxia on mortality and disability in traumatic brain injury according to shock status: A cross-sectional analysis.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2019 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Association between ambient PM2.5 and emergency department visits for psychiatric emergency diseases.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2019 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Trends in the incidence of work-related traumatic limb amputations in South Korea from 2004 to 2013.
Announcements Prosthet Orthot Int Date of publication 2019 Aug
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Dispatcher-Assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Program and Outcomes After Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.
Announcements Pediatr Emerg Care Date of publication 2019 Aug
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effect of endotracheal intubation and supraglottic airway device placement during cardiopulmonary resuscitation on carotid blood flow over resuscitation time: An experimental porcine cardiac arrest study.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2019 Jun
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Interhospital transfer in low-volume and high-volume emergency departments and survival outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A nationwide observational study and propensity score-matched analysis.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2019 Jun
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Text message alert system and resuscitation outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A before-and-after population-based study.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2019 May
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article A mediation analysis of the effect of practical training on the relationship between demographic factors, and bystanders' self-efficacy in CPR performance.
Announcements PLoS One Date of publication 2019 Apr
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Cardiovascular Events after the Sewol Ferry Disaster, South Korea.
Announcements Prehosp Disaster Med Date of publication 2019 Apr
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effect of cancer history on post-resuscitation treatments in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2019 Apr
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Gender disparities in percutaneous coronary intervention in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A nationwide cross-sectional observational study.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2019 Apr
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effect of hypertension across the age group on survival outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2019 Apr
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article The Effect of Transport Time Interval on Neurological Recovery after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Patients without a Prehospital Return of Spontaneous Circulation.
Announcements J Korean Med Sci Date of publication 2019 Feb
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Changes in the healthcare utilization after establishment of emergency centre in Yaound�, Cameroon: A before and after cross-sectional survey analysis.
Announcements PLoS One Date of publication 2019 Feb
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article The effect of dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation on early defibrillation and return of spontaneous circulation with survival.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2019 Feb
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Implementation of a bundle of Utstein cardiopulmonary resuscitation programs to improve survival outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in a metropolis: A before and after study.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2018 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effects of dispatcher-assisted bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation on neurological recovery in paediatric patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest based on the pre-hospital emergency medical service response time interval.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2018 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Cardiac arrest while exercising on mountains in national or provincial parks: A national observational study from 2012 to 2015.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2018 Aug
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effect of detection time interval for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest on outcomes in dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A nationwide observational study.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2018 Aug
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Interactive Effect between On-Scene Hypoxia and Hypotension on Hospital Mortality and Disability in Severe Trauma.
Announcements Prehosp Emerg Care Date of publication 2018 Jul
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Women are less likely than men to achieve optimal glycemic control after 1 year of treatment: A multi-level analysis of a Korean primary care cohort.
Announcements PLoS One Date of publication 2018 May
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article A disparity in outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by community socioeconomic status: A ten-year observational study.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2018 May
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Cooling methods of targeted temperature management and neurological recovery after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A nationwide multicenter multi-level analysis.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2018 Apr
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Epidemiology and outcomes of anaphylaxis-associated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Announcements PLoS One Date of publication 2018 Mar
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Neurological Favorable Outcomes Associated with EMS Compliance and On-Scene Resuscitation Time Protocol.
Announcements Prehosp Emerg Care Date of publication 2018 Mar
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Long-term cardiovascular risk of hypertensive events in emergency department: A population-based 10-year follow-up study.
Announcements PLoS One Date of publication 2018 Feb
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Comparison of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality Between Standard Versus Telephone-Basic Life Support Training Program in Middle-Aged and Elderly Housewives: A Randomized Simulation Study.
Announcements Simul Healthc Date of publication 2018 Feb
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Pan-Asian Trauma Outcomes Study (PATOS): Rationale and Methodology of an International and Multicenter Trauma Registry.
Announcements Prehosp Emerg Care Date of publication 2018 Jan
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Association of recent major psychological stress with cardiac arrest: A case-control study.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2018 Jan
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Comparison of trauma care systems in Asian countries: A systematic literature review.
Announcements Emerg Med Australas Date of publication 2017 Dec
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Association of the Emergency Medical Services-Related Time Interval with Survival Outcomes of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Cases in Four Asian Metropolitan Cities Using the Scoop-and-Run Emergency Medical Services Model.
Announcements J Emerg Med Date of publication 2017 Nov
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Community socioeconomic status and public access defibrillators: A multilevel analysis.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2017 Nov
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Scene time interval and good neurological recovery in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2017 Nov
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Diurnal variation in outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Asian communities: The Pan-Asian Resuscitation Outcomes Study.
Announcements Emerg Med Australas Date of publication 2017 Oct
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Cardiopulmonary resuscitation by trained responders versus lay persons and outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A community observational study.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2017 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Chest Compression Fraction between Mechanical Compressions on a Reducible Stretcher and Manual Compressions on a Standard Stretcher during Transport in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests: The Ambulance Stretcher Innovation of Asian Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (ASIA-CPR) Pilot Trial.
Announcements Prehosp Emerg Care Date of publication 2017 Sep
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Effect of national implementation of utstein recommendation from the global resuscitation alliance on ten steps to improve outcomes from Out-of-Hospital cardiac arrest: a ten-year observational study in Korea.
Announcements BMJ Open Date of publication 2017 Aug
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Rapid Health Needs Assessment after Typhoons Bolaven and Tembin Using the Public Health Assessment for Emergency Response Toolkit in Paju and Jeju, Korea 2012.
Announcements J Korean Med Sci Date of publication 2017 Aug
Co-researcher 공저자
Pubmed URL
Education / Career
Article Timely bystander CPR improves outcomes despite longer EMS times.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2017 Aug
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Does Prehospital Time Influence Clinical Outcomes in Severe Trauma Patients?: A Cross Sectional Study.
Announcements Prehosp Emerg Care Date of publication 2017 Jul
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Comparison of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Care Systems Among Pan-Asian Countries: An International, Multicenter, Population-Based Survey.
Announcements Prehosp Emerg Care Date of publication 2017 Mar
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Characteristics of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation for paediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrests: A national observational study from 2012 to 2014.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2017 Feb
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article Cardiac arrest in schools: Nationwide incidence, risk, and outcome.
Announcements Resuscitation Date of publication 2017 Jan
Co-researcher 공저자
Education / Career
Article The impact of recommended percutaneous coronary intervention care on hospital outcomes for interhospital-transferred ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients.
Announcements Am J Emerg Med Date of publication 2017 Jan
Co-researcher 공저자

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