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Education / Career

Education / Career
Article Ultrasonography of hydronephrosis in the newborn: a practical review
Announcements Ultrasonography Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Choi YH, Cheon J-E, Kim WS, Kim I-O
Education / Career
Article Ultrasonography evaluation of infants with Alagille syndrome: In comparison with biliary atresia and neonatal hepatitis
Announcements Eur J Radiol Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Cho H-H, Kim WS, Choi YH, Cheon J-E, Lee SM, Kim I-O, Shin S-M, Ko, Jae S, Moon JS
Education / Career
Article Knowledge-based iterative model reconstruction: comparative image quality and radiation dose with a pediatric computed tomography phantom
Announcements Pediatr Radiol Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Ryu YJ, Choi YH, Cheon J-E, Ha S, Kim WS, Kim I-O
Education / Career
Article Comparison of Image Quality and Radiation Dose between High-Pitch Mode and Low-Pitch Mode Spiral Chest CT in Small Uncooperative Children: The Effect of Respiratory Rate
Announcements Eur Radiol Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Kim SH, Choi YH, Cho H-H, Lee SM, Shin S-M, Cheon J-E, Kim WS, Kim I-O
Education / Career
Article Intestinal malrotation in patients with situs anomaly: Implication of the relative positions of the superior mesenteric artery and vein
Announcements Eur J Radiol Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Choi KS, Choi YH, Cheon J-E, Kim WS, Kim I-O
Education / Career
Article Changes in brain magnetic resonance imaging patterns for preterm infants after introduction of a magnetic resonance-compatible incubator coil system: 5-year experience at a single institution
Announcements Eur J Radiol Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Cho H-H, Kim I-O, Cheon J-E, Choi YH, Lee SM, Kim WS
Education / Career
Article Free-Breathing Radial 3D Fat-Suppressed T1-Weighted Gradient-Echo Sequence for Contrast-Enhanced Pediatric Spinal Imaging: Comparison With T1-Weighted Turbo Spin-Echo Sequence
Announcements AJR Am J Roentgenol Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Cho H-H, Choi YH, Cheon J-E, Lee SM, Kim WS, Kim I-O, Paek MY.
Education / Career
Article Quantitative Assessment of Neovascularization after Indirect Bypass Surgery: Color-Coded Digital Subtraction Angiography in Pediatric Moyamoya Disease
Announcements AJNR Am J Neuroradiol Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Cho H-H, Cheon J-E, Kim S-K, Choi YH, Kim I-O, Kim WS, Lee S-M, You SK, Shin S-M
Education / Career
Article Early imaging findings in germ cell tumors arising from the basal ganglia
Announcements Pediatr Radiol Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Lee SM, Kim I-O, Choi YH, Cheon J-E, Kim WS, Cho H-H, You SK
Education / Career
Article A mixed choroid plexus papilloma and ependymoma
Announcements Brain Tumor Pathol Date of publication 2016
Co-researcher Lee Y, Kim SI, Kim S-K, Kim I-O, Park S-H
Education / Career
Article Image quality and radiation dose of brain computed tomography in children: effects of decreasing tube voltage from 120 kVp to 80 kVp.
Announcements Pediatr Radiol Date of publication 2017.06
Co-researcher Park JE, Choi YH, Cheon J-E, Kim WS, Kim I-O, Cho HS, Ryu YJ, Kim YJ
Education / Career
Article Modification of surgical procedure for probable limited dorsal myeloschisis
Announcements J Neurosurg Pediatr Date of publication 2017.05
Co-researcher Lee JY, Chong S, Choi YH, Phi JH, Cheon J-E, Kim S-K, Park SH, Kim I-O, Wang K-C
Education / Career
Article eIF2B-related multisystem disorder in two sisters with atypical presentations
Announcements Eur J Paediatr Neurol. Date of publication 2016.02
Co-researcher Lee JS, Lee S, Choi M, Lim BC, Choi J, Kim KJ, Cheon J-E, Kim I-O, Chae J-H
Education / Career
Article Imaging findings of Kaposiform Hemangioendothelioma in children
Announcements Eur J Radiol Date of publication 2017
Co-researcher Ryu YJ, Choi YH, Cheon J-E, Kim WS, Kim I-O, Park JE, Kim YJ
Education / Career
Article Limited Dorsal Myeloschisis and Congenital Dermal Sinus: Comparison of Clinical and MR Imaging Features
Announcements AJNR Am J Neuroradiol Date of publication 2017.01
Co-researcher Lee SM, Cheon J-E, Choi YH, Kim I-O, Kim WS, Cho H-H, Lee JY, Wang K-C
Education / Career
Article Transient flow response after femoral artery catheterization for diagnostic neuroangiography in infants and children: Doppler US assessment of the ipsilateral femoral artery
Announcements Pediatr Radiol Date of publication 2015.01
Co-researcher Kim SH,Choi YH,Cheon JE,Shin SM,Cho HH,Lee SM,Yoo SK, Kim WS, Kim IO
Education / Career
Article Effect of arterial deprivation on growing femoral epiphysis: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging using a piglet model
Announcements Korean J Radiol Date of publication 2015.05
Co-researcher Cheon JE,Yoo WJ,Kim IO,Kim WS,Choi YH
Education / Career
Article Improved abdominal MRI in non-breath-holding children using a radial k-space sampling technique
Announcements Pediatr Radiol Date of publication 2015.06
Co-researcher Lee JH,Choi YH,Cheon JE,Lee SM,Cho HH,Shin SM,Kim WS, Kim IO
Education / Career
Article Expert opinion: what are the greatest challenges and barriers to applying evidence-based and practical approaches to preclinical and clinical research in the field of pediatric radiology?
Announcements Pediatr Radiol Date of publication 2014.10
Co-researcher Offiah AC,Andronikou S,Avni F,Daltro P,Donnelly LF,Jaramillo, Kim IO, Nievelstein RA, Owens CM, Slovis TL, van Rijn R, Lee EY
Education / Career
Article Acute appendicitis in children: ultrasound and CT findings in negative appendectomy cases
Announcements Pediatr Radiol Date of publication 2014.10
Co-researcher Kim SH,Choi YH,Kim WS,Cheon JE,Kim IO
Education / Career
Article A female carrier of ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency masquerading as attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder
Announcements Brain Dev Date of publication 2014.09
Co-researcher Kim SH,Lee JS,Lim BC,Kim KJ,Hwang YS,Park JD,Cheon JE, Kim IO, Kim BN, Chae JH
Education / Career
Article Ultrasonographic study of initial size and postnatal growth of kidneys in preterm infants
Announcements Naonatology Date of publication 2014.07
Co-researcher Lim YJ,Kim WS,Kim HS,Choi YH,Cheon JE,Shin SM,Kim IO, Choi JH
Education / Career
Article Posterior cerebral artery involvement in moyamoya disease: initial infarction and angle between PCA and basilar artery
Announcements Childs Nerv Syst Date of publication 2013.12
Co-researcher Lee JY,Kim SK,Cheon JE,Choi JW,Phi JH,Kim IO,Cho BK, Wang KC
Education / Career
Article Latency of intracranial germ cell tumors and diagnosis delay
Announcements Childs Nerv Syst Date of publication 2013.10
Co-researcher Phi JH,Kim SK,Lee YA,Shin CH,Cheon JE,Kim IO,Yang SW, Wang KC
Education / Career
Article Tumor origin and growth pattern at diagnosis and surgical hypothalamic damage predict obesity in pediatric craniopharyngioma
Announcements J Neurooncol Date of publication 2013.07
Co-researcher Park SW,Jung HW,Lee YA,Shin CH,Yang SW,Cheon JE,Kim IO, Phi JH, Kim SK, Wang KC
Education / Career
Article Tumors in the cerebellopontine angle in children: warning of a high probability of malignancy
Announcements J Neurooncol Date of publication 2013.05
Co-researcher Phi JH,Wang KC,Kim IO,Cheon JE,Choi JW,Cho BK,Kim SK
Education / Career
Article Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: new high resolution computed tomography scoring system and correlation between the high resolution computed tomography score and clinical severity
Announcements Korean J Radiol Date of publication 2013.03
Co-researcher Shin SM,Kim WS,Cheon JE,Kim HS,Lee W,Jung AY,Kim IO, Choi JH
Education / Career
Article The enigma of bifocal germ cell tumors in the suprasellar and pineal regions: synchronous lesions or metastasis?
Announcements J Neurosurg Pediatr Date of publication 2013.02
Co-researcher Phi JH,Kim SK,Lee J,Park CK,Kim IH,Ahn HS,Shin HY, Kim IO, Jung HW, Kim DG, Paek SH, Wang KC
Education / Career
Article Spinal cord glioblastoma induced by radiation therapy of nasopharyngeal rhabdomyosarcoma with MRI findings: case report
Announcements Korean J Radiol Date of publication 2012.09
Co-researcher Ahn SJ,Kim IO(책임저자)
Education / Career
Article Sonographic features of sinus pericranii in 4 pediatric patients
Announcements J Ultrasound Med Date of publication 2011.03
Co-researcher Kim YJ,Kim IO,Cheon JE,Lim YJ,Kim WS,Yeon KM(책임저자)
Education / Career
Article Bowel sonography in sepsis with pathological correlation: an experimental study
Announcements Pediatr Radiol Date of publication 2011.02
Co-researcher Kim HY,Kim IO,Kim WS,Kang GH(책임저자)
Education / Career
Article Clinical application of liver MR imaging in Wilson's disease.
Announcements Korean J Radiol Date of publication 2010;11:665-672
Co-researcher Cheon JE, Kim IO, Seo JK, Ko JS, Lee JM, Shin CI, Kim WS, Yeon KM
Education / Career
Article Doppler sonographic findings in an experimental rabbit model of necrotizing enterocolitis.
Announcements J Ultrasound Med. Date of publication 2010;29:379-386
Co-researcher Choi YH, Kim IO(co-author), Cheon JE, KimJE, Kim EK, Kim WS, Yeon KM.
Education / Career
Article Imperforate anus: determination of type using transperineal ultrasonography.
Announcements Korean J Radiol Date of publication 2009;10:355-360
Co-researcher Choi YH, Kim IO(co-author), Cheon JE, Kim WS, Yeon KM.
Education / Career
Article Power Doppler imaging in acute renal vein occlusion and recanalization : a canine model.
Announcements Korean J Radiol Date of publication 2008;9:128-133
Co-researcher Yoo SY, Kim IO(co-author), Kim YI, Lee KH, Lee MW, Youn BJ, Kim WS, Yeon KM.
Education / Career
Article Sonographic findings in a model of ischemia-induced necrotizing enterocolitis with pathological correlations.
Announcements Invest Radiol Date of publication 2007;42(5):312-318
Co-researcher Kim WY, Kim IO, Kim WS, Yeon KM, Kim GI, Lee SW, Suh JS, Choi HY, Chang KJ.
Education / Career
Article Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Remaining Physis in Partial Physeal Resection With Graft interposition in a Rabbit Model : A Comparison with Physeal Resection Alone.
Announcements Invest Radiol Date of publication 2005;40:235-242
Co-researcher Cheon JE, Kim IO, CHoi IH, Kim CJ, Cho TJ, Kim WS, Yoo WJ, Yeon KM.
Education / Career
Article Imaging findings after fat graft interposition in an injured growth plate an experimental study in rabbits.
Announcements Investigativ Radiology Date of publication 2003;38:695-703
Co-researcher Cheon JE, Kim IO, Kim CH, Kim WS, Yoo WJ, Choi IH, Yeon KM.
Education / Career
Article Leukodystrophy in children : A pictorial review of MR imaging features.
Announcements Radiograhics Date of publication 2002;22:461-476
Co-researcher Cheon JE, Kim IO, Hwang YS, Kim KJ, Wang KC, Cho BK, Chi JG, Kim Cj, Kim WS, Yeon KM.


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